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Learning Objectives

LO-1.1K1Recall the two main use cases of Robot Framework
LO-1.1.1K1Recall the test levels Robot Framework is mostly used for
LO-1.2.1K1Recall the layers of the Generic Test Automation Architecture (gTAA) and their corresponding components in Robot Framework
LO-1.2.2K1Recall what is part of Robot Framework and what is not
LO-1.2.3K1Recall the technology Robot Framework is built on and the prerequisites for running it
LO-1.3K1Recall the key attributes of the syntax that makes Robot Framework simple and human-readable
LO-1.3.3K2Explain the difference between User Keywords and Library Keywords
LO-1.3.4K1Recall the difference between Resource Files and Libraries and their artifacts
LO-1.4K1Recall the three specification styles of Robot Framework
LO-1.4.1K2Understand the basic concepts of Keyword-Driven Specification
LO-1.4.2K2Understand the basic concepts of Behavior-Driven Specification
LO-1.4.3K1Recall the differences between Keyword-Driven and Behavior-Driven Specification
LO-1.4.4K1Recall the purpose of Data-Driven Specification
LO-1.5.1K1Recall the type of open-source license under which Robot Framework is distributed
LO-1.5.2K1List and recall the key objectives and organizational form of the Robot Framework Foundation
LO-1.5.3K1Recall the official webpages for Robot Framework and its resources
LO-2.1K2Understand which files and directories are considered suites and how they are structured in a suite tree.
LO-2.1.1K1Recall the conditions and requirements for a file to be considered a Suite file
LO-2.1.2K1Recall the available sections in a suite file and their purpose.
LO- the available settings in a suite file.
LO- the concepts of suite settings and how to define them.
LO- the purpose of the *** Variables *** section.
LO- the purpose of the *** Test Cases *** or *** Tasks *** section.
LO- the purpose and limitations of the *** Keywords *** section.
LO-2.2K2Understand the basic syntax of test cases and tasks.
LO-2.2.1K3Understand and apply the mechanics of indentation and separation in Robot Framework.
LO-2.2.2K3Be able to use line breaks and continuation in a statement.
LO-2.2.3K3Be able to add in-line comments to suites.
LO-2.2.4K2Understand how to escape control characters in Robot Framework.
LO-2.2.5K2Understand the structure of a basic suite file.
LO-2.3K1Recall the three components of the Robot Framework CLI.
LO-2.3.1K2Understand how to run the robot command and its basic usage.
LO-2.3.2K2Explain the execution artifacts generated by Robot Framework.
LO-2.3.3K1Recall the four different status labels used by Robot Framework.
LO- when an element is marked as PASS.
LO- when an element is marked as FAIL.
LO-2.3.4K2Understand the difference between log messages and console output.
LO-2.4.1-1K1Recall the purpose of keyword libraries and how to import them.
LO-2.4.1-2K1Recall the three types of libraries in Robot Framework.
LO-2.4.2-1K1Recall the purpose of resource files.
LO-2.4.2-2K3Use resource files to import new keywords.
LO-2.4.3K2Understand the different types of paths that can be used to import libraries and resource files.
LO-2.5K2Understand the structure of keyword interfaces and how to interpret keyword documentation.
LO-2.5.1K1Recall the information that can be found in a keyword documentation.
LO-2.5.2K2Understand the difference between argument kinds.
LO- the concept of mandatory arguments and how they are documented.
LO- the concept of optional arguments and how they are documented.
LO- the concept of keywords with embedded arguments used in Behavior-Driven Specification and how they are documented.
LO- how "Positional or Named Arguments" are marked in the documentation and their use case.
LO- how "Variable Number of Positional Arguments" are marked in the documentation and their use case.
LO- what properties "Named-Only Arguments" have and how they are documented.
LO- how free named arguments are marked in documentation.
LO- the concept of argument types and automatic type conversion.
LO- the concept of return type hints.
LO-2.5.3K2Understand how to read keyword documentation and how to interpret the examples.
LO-2.6K2Understand how to call imported keywords and how to structure keyword calls.
LO-2.6.1K2Understand the concept of how to set argument values positionally.
LO-2.6.2K2Understand the concept of named arguments and how to set argument values by their name.
LO-2.6.3K1Recall how to use embedded arguments.
LO-3.2-1K2Understand how variables in Robot Framework are used to store and manage data
LO-3.2-2K1Recall the relevant five different ways to create and assign variables
LO-3.2.1-1K1Recall the four syntactical access types to variables with their prefixes
LO-3.2.1-2K1Recall the basic syntax of variables
LO-3.2.2-1K3Create variables in the Variables section
LO-3.2.2-2K3Use the correct variable prefixes for assigning and accessing variables
LO- and assign scalar variables
LO- how multiple lines can be used to define scalar variables
LO- how to access primitive data types
LO- how to set and access data in list variables
LO- how to set and access data in dict variables
LO-3.2.3K3Be able to assign return values from keywords to variables
LO-3.2.4K2Understand how to create variables using the VAR statement
LO-3.2.5K2Understand how local and suite scope variables are created
LO-3.3.2K1Recall the rules how keyword names are matched.
LO-3.3.3K1Recall all available settings and their purpose for User Keywords
LO-3.3.4K1Recall the significance of the first logical line and in keyword documentation for the log file.
LO-3.3.5K2Understand the purpose and syntax of the [Arguments] setting in User Keywords.
LO- what makes an argument mandatory in a user keyword.
LO- User Keywords with mandatory arguments.
LO- how to define optional arguments in a user keyword.
LO- User Keywords with optional arguments.
LO- how embedded arguments are replaced by actual values during keyword execution.
LO- the role of embedded arguments in Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) style.
LO-3.3.6-1K2Understand how the RETURN statement passes data between different keywords.
LO-3.3.6-2K3Use the RETURN statement to return values from a user keyword and assign it to a variable.
LO-3.3.7K1Recall the naming conventions for user keywords.
LO-3.4K2Understand the basic concept and syntax of Data-Driven Specification
LO-3.4.1-1K2Understand how to define and use test|task templates
LO-3.4.1-2K1Recall the differences between the two different approaches to define Data-Driven Specification
LO- the syntax and properties of multiple named test|task with one template
LO- the syntax and properties of named test|task with multiple data rows
LO-3.5K1Recall that naming conflicts can arise from the import of multiple resource files.
LO-3.5.1K2Understand how transitive imports of resource files and libraries work.
LO-3.5.2K3Be able to configure a library import using arguments.
LO-3.5.3K2Explain how naming conflicts can happen and how to mitigate them.
LO-4.1-1K1Recall the purpose and benefits of Setups in Robot Framework
LO-4.1-2K1Recall the different levels where a Setup can be defined
LO-4.1.1-1K1Recall key characteristics, benefits, and syntax of Suite Setup
LO-4.1.1-2K2Understand when Suite Setup is executed and used
LO-4.1.2-1K1Recall key characteristics, benefits, and syntax of Test Setup
LO-4.1.2-2K2Understand when Test|Task Setup is executed and used
LO-4.1.3K1Recall key characteristics and syntax of Keyword Setup
LO-4.2-1K2Understand the different levels where and how Teardowns can be defined and when they are executed
LO-4.2-2K1Recall the typical use cases for using Teardowns
LO-4.2.1-1K1Recall key characteristics, benefits, and syntax of Suite Teardown
LO-4.2.1-2K2Understand when Suite Teardown is executed and used
LO-4.2.2-1K1Recall key characteristics, benefits, and syntax of Test|Task Teardown
LO-4.2.2-2K2Understand when Test|Task Teardown is executed and used
LO-4.2.3K1Recall key characteristics, benefits, and syntax of Keyword Teardown
LO-4.3K1Recall how to define an Initialization Files and its purpose
LO-4.3.2K2Understand the execution order of Suite Setup and Suite Teardown in Initialization Files and their sub-suites and tests|tasks
LO-4.3.3K1Recall the allowed sections and their content in Initialization Files
LO-4.4K1Recall the purpose of Test|Task Tags in Robot Framework
LO-4.4.1K1Recall the syntax and different ways to assign tags to tests|tasks
LO-4.4.2K2Understand how to filter tests|tasks using the command-line interface of Robot Framework
LO-4.5-1K1Recall the use case and purpose of skipping tests|tasks in Robot Framework
LO-4.5-2K1Recall the different ways to skip tests|tasks in Robot Framework
LO-4.5.1K1Recall the differences between skip and exclude
LO-5.1.1K2Understand the difference between statically defined and dynamically created variables in Robot Framework
LO- the priority of statically defined or imported variables in Robot Framework
LO- the priority of dynamically created variables in Robot Framework
LO-5.1.2K1Recall the different variable scopes in Robot Framework
LO- how to define global variables and where they can be accessed
LO- how to define suite variables and where they can be accessed
LO- how to define test|task variables and where they can be accessed
LO- how to define local variables and where they can be accessed
LO- that assignments to @{list} variables convert values to lists automatically
LO- that @{list} unpacks the values of a list variable when accessed
LO- that assignments to &{dict} variables automatically convert values to Robot Framework Dictionaries and enable dot-access
LO- that &{dict} unpacks to multiple key=value pairs when accessed
LO-5.1.6K1Recall that Robot Framework provides access to execution information via Built-In variables
LO-5.2.1K2Understand the purpose and basic concept of IF-Statements
LO-5.2.4K2Understand the purpose and basic concept of FOR Loops
LO-5.2.5K2Understand the purpose and basic concept of WHILE Loops
LO-5.2.6K2Understand the purpose and basic concept of the BREAK and CONTINUE statements