Using Java Libraries with the Robotframework Plugin

  • Java test libraries

    You can access Java test libraries by adding the jars to the extraPathDirectories parameter or importing those as Maven dependencies. Note that such tests will run with Jython only.

  • Python libraries with Java dependencies

    But there is a different use case. Python libraries can use Java libraries directly using JPype. For example, the Python based DatabaseLibrary can be used with jaydebeapi and JPype to access databases via Python and jdbc.

    Such a test runs within a pure Python environment with JPype installed, as well as with Jython. That way you can have database test cases that run within RIDE in Python mode, and within the Robotframework Maven Plugin.

    If you need Java libraries as dependencies to your test libraries, you can add them to the dependencies section of the maven plugin configuration in the pom.


    The test cases access hsqldb, the python folder contains the DatabaseLibrary and the jaydebeapi.

    If you want to run such a test within RIDE, make sure DatabaseLibrary, JPype and jaydebeapi are installed in your Python runtime.

    An actual test case is shown below.

    *** Settings ***
    Library         OperatingSystem
    Library         DatabaseLibrary
    *** Test Cases ***
        Connect To Database Using Custom Params  jaydebeapi  org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver  jdbc:hsqldb:mem:robot  sa  ${EMPTY}
        Execute SQL  create table testtable (myid integer not null primary key, name varchar(25))
        Execute SQL  insert into testtable values (1, 'myname')
        Execute SQL  insert into testtable values (2, 'yourname')
        @{result}=  Execute Sql  Select * from testtable
        Log Many  @{result}
        Check If Exists In Database  select * from testtable where myid=2
        Execute SQL  drop table testtable
        Disconnect From Database